Sunday, October 6, 2019

Unit 2 Week 2 - 10/7/19

So far, we've introduced you and your children to the Circle Map, the Bubble Map, the Double-Bubble Map, and the Tree Map.  Our THINKING MAP  for this week is again the BRACE MAP.

Here is an example of a Brace Map.   We will soon be planting seeds in our gardens. We will also do a short unit on plants.    Here is a GREAT way to share/review some of the information many already know about.
***You can also use a BRACE MAP to break apart YOUR favorite pizza or food.
Be sure to state that it's YOUR favorite.  Example - Meat Lover's Pizza ( crust, sauce, mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, sausage, hamburger, Canadian bacon).  That's it.  Do not shift into "types" of toppings, sauces, crusts, etc.  That's going back to our TREE MAPS.


I'd like to THANK all of our parents who are taking the time to go over and review their children's work daily.  It really shows in the progress they are making.

A number of the children are returning to school with their folders UNCHECKED.
Here are some AWESOME ways to help your child succeed in First Grade.

1.  Have your child bring you their binder/folder.
2.  Tell your child to show you their work sent home.
3.  Check for and go over incomplete or missed worked.
4.  Check your child's HW
5.  Clean out work brought home daily.  

** Signing their behavior chart lets us know that. 

Dear Family Member:
This week our class will be focusing on different kinds of buildings. Your child will discuss what the buildings are made of and the importance of these buildings.
Here are some activities that you can do with your child to help reinforce the skills we’ll be practicing.
Contractions: with  -  "is"
**We will NOT have covered all the contractions found in this game.  Others will be introduced, but not focused on this week.  So PLEASE sit with your child if you choose to allow them to play this game.

Word Workout
  • Words to Know Help your child use the words to tell about different buildings you and your child have seen.
  • Spelling/Phonics: short Help your child change the first letter of each word to make new words. This week’s phonic sound is the short sound, as in cup, hug, and fun.
Comprehension: character, setting, events
Help your child read sentences about pictures, then fill in a chart to name the characters, setting, and events that they read about.

Accelerated Reader:
Our 2nd Nine Weeks begins today.  The children will have a new AR goal set on Wednesday after their STAR test.  Your child should be bringing home at least one book per night to read and be ready to take a test on the following day.  Books should be read three times for proficiency, fluency, and comprehension.  Please continue to work on reading at night and to remind your child that they need to take tests at school! Thank you for your support!
Spelling Test-
Please remember to log into to practice the spelling words! 

I also wanted to point out that we will be grading your child for spelling accuracy on the first 12 spelling words. The other 8 spelling words are enrichment words for all students. Should they be spelled correctly, will earn them 1 point for each correctly spelled word.  We would hope that they will practice all of them and do their best to remember them. This could help them to earn the points back if they misspell one of the first twelve!

Weekly Test-
Our weekly test will cover skills we have learned in class. These skills can be practiced on  Login using the ID cards sent via message on Dojo.

Please be sure to have your child reread their leveled reader as well as the other stories associated with this week. These leveled readers can be accessed on Connected.

My Math-
We will be testing on Chapter 2 and then begin Chapter 3 - Addition Strategies to 20. Please look for the chapter letter and Math Vocabulary sheet to be sent home to see what skills will be covered in this chapter.

Science/ Social Studies
This week we will be talking about nutrition and the Food Pyramid.  We will be learning about fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, and dairy. 

********STAR Student of the Week*********

  Lizzy Nickelson
Next Week's:  Jake Phinney   

Important Dates & Information:

2nd Nine Weeks begins October 7th.

Fall Break is October 21-28th

Field Trip - From Farm to Table is October 31st  

****Permission slip and $$ is due 10/18/19****

New Book orders to be submitted before Fall Break. 

  **Here is the online code for placing your order***

***Use class code MCR4Z ***

Your order will ship to the school and appear with your child's name on the invoice.

*First Grade will be performing our 6th annual performance of  The First Thanksgiving.  Parts are being handed out this week.  The play will be on November 21st beginning at 10:00.

For those of you whose child did not attend Belmont last year, it's a big deal!  We also have a "feast " of our own after the play.  More info and details to come soon.

Again, thank you very much for your continued support.